
Thursday, December 22, 2016


One of the best gift I ever got was a trip to Hawaii. This was for my birthday not Christmas though. I got this present since my mom missed one of my birthdays since she had to go on a business trip. I went for a week and got to do lots of stuff. One of my favorite things I did there was surfing. It was lots of fun. I wish I could spend just as much on my mom as she did as me. 

Sunday, December 4, 2016

If I worked at a school

         If I worked at a school I would most likely be an art teacher. I'm not that good at art which is weird because I wanna teach the class. I would want to work as that because I don't have teach anything really just give them an idea on what to draw. It also might more relaxed because the kids will behave more I think. They will probably behave more because they don't have to stay seated and they will able to talk with their friends and not be quiet all day. The kids might even look forward to the class.